Application of mixers in the chemical industry

In the modern chemical industry, various processes of interaction of various chemical elements are carried out. These processes are: dissolution of crystalline compounds,fluid diffusion,decomposition or homogenization of a complex multi-component solution into components. These chemical-technological processes can occur in a rather long period, and to increase the productivity and intensity of work in these processes, physical methods are used to influence the initial liquids. The most common and effective method of physical impact is mechanical mixing, which is divided into several directions: the addition of additional mechanical energy,turbulization of reacting components;grinding lumpy materials to increase the contact surface.homogenization of multicomponent mixtures;emulsification and emulsification of components;intensification of heat and mass transfer. Often, the possibility of using mechanical processes determines the efficiency and profitability of the production ...

Mixing fluids — side mixers.

Mixing is one of the most common processes in the chemical and food industry. In the process of mixing, particles of the material move more than once in the vessel’s capacity under the action of a specially defined impulse, which is transmitted from a mechanical jet of mixer, liquid, steam or gas. Mixing has different purposes: — acceleration of the flow of various chemical processes or reactions; — ensuring uniform and proper distribution of fluid in the fluid; — ensuring a regular, stable temperature in the liquid; — ensuring the distribution of solid particles in a liquid; — enhancing the heating or cooling process. There are a large number of various designs of mixing apparatuses, however, the most popular and popular are mechanical mixers with a rotational mechanism of mixing parts. Along with this, mixing occurs with steam or gas, mixing the circulation of the liquid, pulsating or vibrational mixing. Each of these types ...

Gas-liquid mixing

Propeller andturbine open mixers are widely used in various industries for mechanical mixing of gas-liquid media. These mixers are distinguished by the principle of mixing. The turbine mixer generates significant shear stresses that allow dispersing the gas. The propeller mixer generates an intense circulation flow in the axial plane, which makes it possible to suspend solid particles when mixing three-phase media. One of the variations of theturbine mixer is an open turbine mixer having blades located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the vertical. This type of mixer makes it possible to take advantage of the open turbine and propeller mixers. That is, it produces both high shear stresses and intense circulation. During the mechanical mixing of liquid gases behind the blades of the mixers, significant gas caverns are formed. Three types of gas cavities are formed depending on the speed of rotation of the mixers. So, when the mixer is operating at low speeds, a large gas cavity ...

Features and scope of mixing devices of frame type

The alteration of similar and different substances by the state of aggregation is widely used in various fields: chemical, food, construction and other industries. This process helps to accelerate the interaction of mixing substances. There are a large number of mixing methods such as: the use of mechanical energy,use of thermal energy,mixing using compressed gases and other methods. In all cases, the mixing device should provide maximum performance with minimal time costs. In this ratio, mixing takes the lead with the use of mechanical energy transfer. The above method is divided into many options, but the most energy-efficient at the moment is the method of using mixing devices(mixers). There are 12 basic types of these devices, which are referred to the Guest 20680-75. They differ significantly in design but have the same principle of operation, which is reduced to repeated relative movement of the working body (hub) in the volume filled with the substance. Due to the transfer ...

Main types and designs of mixers

The reforms of Peter I gave a significant impetus to the development of the chemical industry in our country, however, the main development took place at the beginning of the twentieth century. With the development of technology, industry more and more needed new materials and substances, which led to the construction of modern chemical plants, the development of new technologies and assemblies. The fundamental equipment for carrying out chemical and physical processes are apparatuses with mixing devices. They allow for heterogeneous technological processes, such as crystallization, extraction and various homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions. Mixing is the main way to evenly distribute suspended or dissolved substances, as well as dispersing drops and bubbles in a liquid. Milling mixer Depending on the necessary processes, properties of the components being mixed, pressure or temperature, a mixing device is selected. Technologically, the most effective devices ...

A unit for mixing oil products (mixer)

The main purpose is to mix various oil products in vertically arranged cylindrical tanks at various enterprises, such as oil producers, oil refineries, and petrochemical companies. Also, such units are widely used in tank warehouses and bitumen manufacturing plants. The purpose of the use is to create a homogeneous structure, mix petroleum products and prevent the formation of precipitation in tanks. The main scope: the production of oils, gas oil, naphtha, tar, motor fuels, gasoline and other petroleum products from primary components. These and similar petroleum products are obtained by mixing, the main purpose of which is to average the characteristics. Also, the mixing of oil and oil products helps to prevent separation and precipitation while preserving oil and oil products in storage. When storing petroleum products with a high temperature (up to 200°C), the main task of mixing is the same thermal distribution of temperature over the entire volume of the oil tank. The main ...